About the Conference

The increase of the quantity and frequency of technology use in life has directly and indirectly changed the patterns of humans’ behaviors and interactions. Like a double-edged knife, technology gives both benefits as well as adverse effects to humans. Chances to have optimum performance in terms of volume, frequency, quality, and speed can be achieved. On the other hand, the pattern of interactions among individuals decreases along with the increase of the use of technology media for communication and recreation. This chance certainly affects the development of psychological attributes of every individual. Does the increase of quantity of achievements go in line with the increase of quality? Does the shifting of communication and recreation from face-to-face mode to virtual mode lead to behavioral changes in fulfilling a human’s basic needs? This conference is an event for researchers and academics in psychology, education, behavioral sciences, and technology to share with one another their knowledge and experiences in understanding how technology shapes the future of human life.


Prof. Byron Good, Ph.D

(Department of Global Health and Social Medicine, Harvard University)

Prof. Joel Pearson, Ph.D

(School of Psychology, New South Wales University) –in confirmation

Prof. Elkhonon Goldberg, Ph.D

(Dept. of Neurology, New York University)

Dr. Neila Ramdhani, M.Si., M.Ed.

(Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Gadjah Mada)

Advisor Board

Prof. Elkhonon Goldberg, Ph. D. 



Chairman: Galang Lufityanto, Ph. D. <galanglufityanto@ugm.ac.id>
Co-Chairman: Dr. Neila Ramdhani, M. Si. M. Ed.
Secretary: Nabilah Basuki & Anak Agung Ayu Apsari Darmesti

Technical Program Committee

Head of Event Organizer: Samudera F. Jamaluddin
Head of Scientific Committee: Falasifatul Falah
Head of Media: Gloria Excelcise Muhamad
Head of Equipment: R. Brahma Aditya, S. Psi.
Head of Registration: Aurelia Virgita, S. S.
Head of Treasurer: Hasna Uzzakiyah
Head of Hospitality: Regitha Nur Alifva Chandra
Head of Food Division: Kartika Balqis Damayanti